Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alkaline Diet - Good for Weight Loss?

The alkaline diet -- It has become increasingly popular among people who want to lose weight, but who have become disillusioned with low-carb approaches. But can you really lose weight on alkalizing foods? And is this diet really superior to the low-carb diet? In this article, I'll be taking a look at these questions, and providing the best answers that I can.

First, can you lose weight on an alkaline diet? In order to answer this question, we need to understand what a diet needs to do in order to promote weight loss. Once we understand that, we can ask of whether or not the alkaline diet fits those criteria. Weight loss is a very complicated subject, but the bottom line is that diets work by reducing the number of calories that you consume. Eating alkaline foods may or may not reduce your total caloric intake, depending on what kind of foods you currently eat, and what kind of foods you choose to eat on this diet. However, keep in mind that the alkaline diet requires you to eliminate or greatly reduce your consumption of many fattening foods, including candy, soft drinks, chips, fatty meats, and high-fat dairy products. If you currently many of these foods, following this diet will probably help you lose weight by reducing your caloric intake.

Second, in what ways, if any, is this type of diet superior to low-carb diets such as the South Beach diet and the Atkins diet? The big difference is that low-carb diets cut out virtually all carbs, while the alkaline diet draws a distinction between bad carbs to be avoided, and good carbs which can be consumed liberally. According to experts on this diet, good carbs include fruits and vegetables, along with certain alkalizing whole grains.

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